Wednesday, October 22, 2008

China's First Zero-Carbon Building

Nottingham university recently opened the CSET building on their campus in ningbo, china. It is china’s first zero-carbon university building. The building achieves its zero-carbon status through its large roof opening that shines natural light inside and creates a natural ventilation system.
This building was designed by the italian firm Mario Cucinella Architects. The façade features a dramitic folded pattern inspired by paper lanterns. The exterior is made from a double skin of glass which has been printed with a subtle historical pattern.

Nottingham 大学最近开放了位于中国宁波校区的CSET大楼,这是中国首座零碳的大学建筑。整幢大楼通过一个巨大的开放的房顶来采集自然光线,还有一个自然的通风系统,这样才做到零碳状态。
这幢大楼是由意大利公司Mario Cucinella Architects 所设计,正面是一个类似纸灯笼形状的折叠造型,建筑表面是印有历史图案的双层玻璃。

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