Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mandalas - abstract art photos by Bill Armstrong

I'm loving these extremely abstract art photos by photographer Bill Armstrong. They are "the mandalas" from the photographer's on-going Infinity series, which includes a wide range of photo collages that are made out of focus by setting the camera's focusing ring at infinity. The result is an experience of visual confusion that seems both real and illusory at the same time.

"The Mandalas" are photographs based on Buddhist paintings known as mandalas. (Mandalas are concentric circles of images that depict central themes in Buddhism, such as the Wheel of Life or the Map of the Cosmos.)

An exhibition of 35 of Armstrong's mandalas is currently on at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, through February 1, 2009.

我爱上了这些极度抽象的艺术照片,它们是由摄影师Bill Armstrong拍摄的。这组名叫“the mandalas"照片来自摄影师的正在进行无极限系列,这个系列都是把照相机的焦距设在无限远的环上而得的一组照片拼贴。最终的效果就是我们所见这种既真实又虚幻的视觉体验。
照片The Mandalas的灵感来自于Buddhist的画The Mandalas。
Armstrong's mandalas目前正在Philadelphia Museum of Art展出,直到2009年2月1日。

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